ABB ACS580-04-585A-4
The product name of ABB ACS580-04-585A-4 module is “ACS580 Series Universal Frequency Converter” . The product is an all-purpose ABB standard drive unit, for wall-mounted mounting or a drive module for cabinet mounting, designed to simplify operation and provide efficient control processes.
Product parameters and specifications are as follows:
Origin : Switzerland ( some reference prices, but not imported products)
Scope of application : common
Number of power supply phases :
Rated voltage: 380-480V (The range of different data callbacks is not consistent, but the average is within this range)
Power motor power : 300kW or 315KW ( power deviation of different data feedback)
Filters: some data callbacks have built-in 1A+1B filters, there are also data callbacks without filters
Properties of DC power supply : Voltage type
Control mode: voltage vector
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