Schneider XUX9APBNT16
The Schneider XUX9APBNT16 module is marketed under the name “Schneider Range-Enhanced Photoelectric Switch” . The product is an electronic component, belongs to the category of photoelectric sensor, has the distance enhancement feature, is suitable for a variety of industrial automation and control scenarios.
In terms of product parameters and specifications, the module’s minimum operating temperature is -20℃, the maximum operating tempera ture is 80℃, the operating voltage range is from 1V to 7.5V. its dimensions are 5.9mm in length, 9.4mm in width, package is the original package, in line with RoHS standard. In addition, the photoelectric switch has a specific electrical life and switching times, panel size is 22mm, and obtained 3C product certification. It is a unipolar, travel switch type product suitable for specific industrial automation and inspection tasks
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